
9th ISPNI course and conference on neuromuscular imaging 2021

22 t/m 24 september 2021


9th ISPNI course and conference on neuromuscular imaging 2021


Dear friends and colleagues,


This fall the 9th International Course and Conference on Neuromuscular Imaging will take place online from September 22-24, 2021. Brought to you by the International Society of Peripheral Neurophysiologic Imaging and the Dutch Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, the meeting will focus on the clinical applications of ultrasound and MRI of muscles and nerves.


We have a great lineup of renowned colleagues in the field of neuromuscular imaging who will speak and teach at this course. The meeting is open to anyone, with topics that bridge the different imaging specialty areas of neurology, physiatry, clinical neurophysiology, radiology, pediatric neurology, and rheumatology.


In this rapidly expanding field, the course and conference aim to bring you up to date with all the recent developments and to provide a solid base for those seeking to learn. The program will be online soon.


We look forward to welcoming you online in September!


On behalf of the local organizing committee,


Nens van Alfen MD PhD
Associate Professor of Neurology
Medical Director Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory
Radboudumc Nijmegen, The Netherlands


Het programma kan worden gevonden op https://iccnmi2021.com/course/#